We provide care and support for families grieving the loss of a baby and we fund vital research into the causes of SIDS, stillbirth and neonatal death. Our vision is a future where no parents have to suffer the shattering loss of their baby.
Providing hope for grieving families.
Edward Louis Reid was born on 18 January 2014.
Our first baby, he was the brightest light to ever shine in our lives.
Tragically 3 months later on 16 April 2014 he left us, a victim of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), formerly known as Cot Death. This was the most devastating loss imaginable and that light was extinguished.
We have set up Teddy’s Wish to support other grieving families and continue research into the causes behind SIDS, neonatal death and stillbirth.
In short, we want to search for answers and do something meaningful in Edward’s name.

Our story
Who we work with
Teddy's Wish will also work with other charities, projects and bereavement support services
focussed on infant and baby loss.
If you have a project or initiative that requires funding please get in touch.